Hajni és Ricsi esküvője eredetileg természetesen nagyobb esküvőnek indult és már régen minden le volt szervezve és ki volt találva a nagy napra. Aztán mikor felütötte a fejét a koronavírus és ezzel kapcsolatosan megszülettek a korlátozások akkor egy perc alatt minden felborult. Hajnival sokat beszéltgettünk az esküvő előtt a kialakult helyzetről, és Ricsivel úgy döntöttek, […]
Couple of days ago I received an email, that one of my image is made it to the final in the Hungarian Wedding Photographer Association’s Award, and I won the 2nd place. Here is my award winning image: Also you can check the other images by clicking the link: https://www.magyareskuvofotosok.hu/eskuvofotopalyazatnyeresei
After the wedding season I had some time to shoot some different stuff. I had a chance to work together with Cisco Clervoix, who’s an awesome fitness model from Florida. We had 2 sessions on Friday, we shot the first session at noon on a top of a parking lot. Here are couple of images […]
I had a chance again to shoot a very lovely couple, Klari and Nandi. Also 2 years ago I was shooting Nandi’s best friends wedding, we met there then, and I was happy when they contacted me last year about their wedding. We were checking the weather forecast during the whole week, because it was supposed […]
My image has been chosen among the best wedding images at the Mywed’s main page, which is one of the best and biggest wedding photographers site in the world.
Last year at the wedding fair a very nice and fun couple came to me, then they booked me and chose me not only as a wedding photographer but also as a friend. Thank you guys for choosing me. I’m very fortunate to work with so many nice couple! MUA: Szántó Boglárka Hair: Haute […]